London Youth Summer of Sport Festival
26th August, 2022
On Thursday 26 August, Kate Evans, Communications Executive at KFH, joined London Youth for its Summer of Sport Festival in the Copper Box Arena in Stratford.

The one-day event, which was held this year to commemorate ten years since the London 2012 Olympic Games, welcomed approximately 1000 young people and youth workers for an action-packed day of sport, art and wellbeing activities.
Almost 50 grassroot community sport and youth organisations provided everything from BMX to dance, basketball to yoga, NFL to circus skills, to celebrate young people and encourage them to get into sports, meet new people, and have some fun.
In the afternoon there was a panel of sporting stars and inspirational speakers who shared their journeys and offered lived experiences to the young people on how to fulfill their ambitions. Children as young as eight got involved in the Q&A and discussed inspiring ways to achieve their goals.
Kate commented, "This was the first time I had seen any of the work that London Youth does first-hand, and I was blown away by the scale of it. Youth groups arrived from all over London and it was great to see so many of them having fun and trying new things. I spoke to a few youth workers who were just grateful to be offered a day full of activities during the summer holidays, so this felt like a thank you to them, too. I also love sports and am quite competitive, so inevitably I couldn't resist trying a few things myself (the rap yoga was an interesting highlight)!"