KFH staff volunteer for London Youth
8th June, 2021
Last week, a number of our staff volunteered for London Youth’s Good for Girls programme. The programme supports 900 young women aged 10 – 14, primarily from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, to access relevant, holistic, early intervention mental health support in trusted community spaces.

A selection of young people pitched their proposed social action project to a panel of experts to receive £500 for its delivery. Naomi Meade (Lettings Assistant Manager, Streatham), Stacey Kirby (Head of Marketing and Communications), as well as Bridget O'Connor and Gill Jones from the Communications team, sat on the panel of pitches that took place throughout the week.
The groups presented ideas that focused on topical issues such as body positivity, isolation caused by the pandemic, mental health, physical health and social interactions. Each group also had speaking points on the budget, marketing and execution of each action plan.
Our partnership with London Youth isn’t just about fundraising. It’s also about engaging with the community, seeing first-hand the incredible work they do and how the money we raise helps support and challenge young Londoners to become the best they can be.
Naomi Meade comments: “It was a really good experience to interact with the young people and discuss their ideas to action in real life. It was humbling to speak to the young people who receive this support and hear their plans on how they can use the money to benefit the community.”
Stacey Kirby adds: “Having been involved in fundraising for London Youth since our partnership began, it was so rewarding to see the amazing work they do. It was really evident how much these young people get from the Good for Girls programme. It was such a rewarding way to spend an hour. I would highly recommend you get involved with the next opportunity!”